Reading Online & Download Ebooks Front Matter, Back Matter, and Metadata
Front Matter, Back Matter, and Metadata By:Paul Salvette Published on 2014-06-04 by BB eBooks In the modern world of publishing where authors are expected to publish several books a year, standards and literary traditions that have existed for centuries can understandably be overlooked. Additionally, in the rush to place a book on the market, authors often do not adequately utilize the excellent opportunity to promote themselves from within their own books. With modern technology, we can do better. As part of the Best Practice Guides for Authors from BB eBooks, Front Matter, Back Matter, and Metadata is a short guide that will help you: Ensure you have front matter and back matter that is organized properly to give your book a professional look Understand what metadata can be embedded within an eBook and how it relates to discoverability Gain comprehension of how more complicated back matter like an Index and Notes section can function in an eBook Utilize vendor-specific buy links to b...